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Campaign reminds Islanders about dangers of driving impaired

Charlottetown Police Services has a new van wrapped in messages to remind Islanders about the dangers of driving under the influence of cannabis and to help keep people safe.

The new wrapped van warns Islanders that driving under the influence of cannabis is driving while impaired and is illegal. The van is funded in partnership with the PEI Cannabis Management Corporation, PEI Liquor Control Commission and the City of Charlottetown.

“We’re pleased to have formed a partnership to get this important messaging out to the public,” said Charlottetown Police Chief Paul Smith. “We essentially have a giant, highly visible billboard on wheels that we use to send a strong message about not driving under the influence. Anything that can potentially improve the safety of all Islanders is a worthy initiative.”

“Law enforcement agencies play a critical part in keeping Islanders and our communities safe,” said Bloyce Thompson, Minister of Justice and Public Safety. “It is incredibly important that Islanders be well informed to make lawful choices. This new vehicle will help remind everyone that when you consume cannabis, in any form, you cannot drive.”

The van is just one aspect of an awareness campaign to help get key information out to Islanders about cannabis and to ensure that they know the risks when they consume. “The health and safety of Islanders is the most important thing to us and we must all work together and play our part in making sure our roads are safe for everyone,” said Finance Minister, Darlene Compton, “This collaborative awareness campaign is meant to inform Islanders about cannabis safety, risks and laws so they can consume responsibly.”

For more information about the laws, health, and limits on cannabis visit