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UPEI Student Union Launches Panther Patrol

The UPEI Student Union has launched the Panther Patrol, a free shuttle service for UPEI students.

“It has definitely been a big investment,” states Emma Drake, UPEISU President. “However, we felt that this is a service that would improve accessibility and comfort for our students. Other schools in the Maritimes offer a similar shuttle service, which we drew inspiration from.”

The Panther Patrol has received financial support from different organizations in Prince Edward Island, including PEI Cannabis and the PEI Liquor Control Commission (PEILCC).

“We are pleased to support the Panther Patrol shuttle, providing UPEI students with a safe, accessible, convenient mode of transportation,” said the Hon. Darlene Compton, Minister responsible for both the PEI Liquor Control Commission and PEI Cannabis Management Corporation. “We want to remind students that driving impaired, by alcohol or drugs, is illegal and dangerous. Using the Panther Patrol shuttle is a great way to plan ahead and ensure you get home safely.”

The Panther Patrol currently offers three main services. Firstly, it offers students a safe ride home after trivia nights at the campus pub and other select events. Secondly, it drives students to and from walk-clinics. And finally, students can get a ride to grocery stores and back home. Students are able to access the Panther Patrol schedule and sign up to use the service on the UPEISU website.

“The uptake has been really good so far,” states Keesha Ryan, UPEISU Vice President Finance & Administration. “Students have been responding very positively and have been using the service. We hope to expand our offerings in the future to be even more present.”